
Spray penetrating oil; I like WD40. I have a use for it on every car that comes in for service. Door locks, hinges, hood latch’s. You name it I have a use for it.

Today I had a truck in for service that the rear door was not functioning correctly. The lock was not working. The client could not lock and unlock the door, plus the door latch’s hung up causing the door to not latch. The client has been slamming the door to close it, and now the doors metal frame was showing cracks near the latch.

After removing the doors inner panels. I sprayed down the latch’s and door lock. Now everything is happy, the lock turns and the door shuts easy.

The client was stunned, he said he sprayed lot’s of spray oil on the latch and lock and it never made them work well. The kicker was to spray the latch’s and lock from inside the door vs just from the outside.


It’s all good under the hood. Anthony Xavier ASE Master Technician

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